WInston Trails homes for sale


Winston Trails SOLD property...last 60 days

What is selling in Winston Trails? What is it selling for? How long is it taking to sell?

Below is a recap of the last 2 months of sales in Winston Trails using information from Palm Beach County tax records and Regional MLS info.

  • Total # of homes SOLD: 10
  • Lowest sales price: $140,000
  • Highest sales price: $335,000
  • Shortest # of days on the market: 38
  • Longest days on the market: 1106
Here in more detail, are the 12 sales:
  1. The Greens, Montreal, aprox. 1600 sq ft, 3 br/2.5 ba/1 gar:  $140,000
  2. Oakmont, Antilles, pool, aprox. 2000 sq ft, 3 br/2 ba/2 gar:  $190,000
  3. Las Colinas, Sapporo, aprox. 1700 sq ft, 3 br/2 ba/2 gar:  $205,000
  4. Turnbury, Antilles, aprox. 2000 sq ft, 4 br/2 ba/2 gar:  $210,000
  5. Golfview, Nairobi, lake, aprox. 2000 sq ft, 4 br/2.5 ba/2 gar:  $247,500
  6. La Gorce, Casablanca, pool/golf, aprox 2075 sq ft, 3 br/2.5/ba/2 gar:  $249,000
  7. Shadow Creek, Paris, pool, aprox. 2750 sq ft, 5 br/3 ba/ 2 gar:  $297,000
  8. Sand Hills, Paris, lake, aprox 2750 sq ft, 5 br/3 ba/2 car:  $300,000
  9. Shadow Creek, Willow, pool, aprox. 3000 sq ft, 5 br/3 ba/3 gar: $330,000
  10. Catalina, Silverado, pool/lake, aprox 2325 sq ft, 4 br/2.5 ba/2 gar: $335,000

Currently there are 30 homes for sale in Winston Trails. Based upon my experience selling Winston Trails, historically the time from mid November until about January 10th is the lowest inventory time of the year. Most sellers do not want to be bothered during the run up to the holidays and during the holidays. However, I have found that this is an excellent time for serious sellers to be on the market.

Typically, the buyers out this time of year are serious buyers and, as stated above, the inventory is usually at its lowest point. A serious seller, priced properly, marketed properly, and represented properly, should be able to get their home under contract during the holidays.

On the buyer side of the coin...there are also fewer buyers out there this time of year...making it a good time to make offers to serious sellers. It's a win-win over the holidays.

Thanks for reading...Steve Jackson
Contact me on my direct line at 561-602-1258
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