WInston Trails homes for sale


Foreclosure...on the market in Wedgewood

A Riviera model (Gold Coast built) in Wedgewood that had been on the market since June of 2008 has gone back to the lender and is now on the market as a bank-owned property.

When the recent owners placed the home on the market in June of '08, they priced it at $342,500...Looking at public records, it appears that they (and their agent) priced their home to "cover what they owed plus costs plus a little wiggle room" and did not price it at the end, it cost them big time.

They reduced the price 8 times from June of 2008 until May of 2009, when they reached $250,000. It then looks like they had 3 different short sale contracts fall through...and they eventually ran out of time.

However, NOW it is priced very attractively by the bank at $239,000 and I predict that it will be under contract in the bank minimum market time of 10 days....most likely with multiple offers having been reviewed.

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